Effective January 1, 2014
General Minerals:
(Alkalinity, Calcium, Chloride, Fluoride, Hardness, Potassium, MBAS,
Magnesium, Sodium, Nitrate, Specific Conductance, Sulfate, Total Dissolved
Solids, & pH)
General Physical:
(Color, Odor, & Turbidity)
Acid Generation Potential Water EPA/STDM
Acidity Water SM 2310 B
Alkalinity Water SM 2320 B
Ammonia Water/Other SM 4500-NH3 B
BOD Water/Other SM 5210 B
Bromate Water/Other EPA 300.0
Bromide Water/Other EPA 300.0
Chlorate Water EPA 300.0
Chloride Water/Other EPA 300.0
Chlorine WaterSM 4500-Cl G
COD Water/Other EPA 410.4
Color Water SM 2120 B
Conductivity Water/Other EPA 120.1
Cyanide Water/Other SM 4500 CN E/EPA 9010
Cyanide Amenable Water/Other SM 4500 CN G
Dissolved Oxygen Water SM 4500-O G
Dissolved Fixed Solids Water/Other EPA 160.4
Flash Point (Ignitability) Water/Other EPA 1010
Fluoride Water/Other EPA 300.0/SM 4500-F C
Hardness Water EPA 200.7/SM 2340 B
Iodide Water/Other EPA 300.0
Langlier Index Water/Other STDM 203
MBAS Surfactant Water/Other SM 5540 C
Neutralization Potential Soil EPA 670
Nitrate Water/Other EPA 300.0/SM 4500-NO3 E
Nitrate/Nitrite as N Water EPA 300.0/SM 4500-NO3 E
Nitrite Water/Other EPA 300.0/SM 4500-NO2 E
Odor Water EPA 140.1
Ortho-phosphate Water EPA 300.0/SM 4500-P
Paint Filter Liquids Test Water/Other EPA 9095
Percent Moisture/Solid Soil/Sludge ASTM D2216/SM 2540 B
Perchlorate Water/Other EPA 314.1/300.0
pH Water SM 4500-H B
pH Soil/Other EPA 9040/9045
Phenols Water/Soil EPA 420.1
Phosphorus, Total Water/Other SM 4500-P E
Reactivity Water/OtherSW 846
Reactivity/Corrosivity/Ignitability Water/Other EPA Methods
Redox Potential Water/Soil SM 2580
Salinity Water SM 210B
Specific Gravity Water/Other SM 2710F
Sulfate Water/Other EPA 300.0
Sulfide Water/Other SM 4500-S F/EPA 9030
Sulfite Water/Other SM 4500-S B
Tanins & Lignins Water SM 5550 B
Total Dissolved Solids Water/Other SM 2540 C
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Water/Other SM 4500 NH3 C
Total Organic Carbon Water SM 5310 B
Total Organic Carbon Soil EPA 9060
Total Settleable Solids Water SM 2540F
Total Solids Water SM 2540 F
Total Suspended Solids Water/Other SM 2540 D
Total Volatile Suspended Solids Water EPA 160.4
Total Volatile Solids Water EPA 160.4
Turbidity Water EPA 180.1
UV254 Organics Water SM 5910 B


B. Normal TURNAROUND TIME (fax results) is 5 working days (see section D for rush analysis.) Hard copy results are typically delivered within 3 days of results availability.

C. Prices are based on normal aqueous and soil matrices. Special handling costs may be applied to non-routine clean-up procedures.

D. RUSH SERVICES are available, with previous notification, at the following rates. Turnaround time is contingent upon test procedure and lab capacity at time of request.


1 Working Day
2 Working Days
3 Working Days
4 Working Days

E. Other Analytical Tests not specifically mentioned on this price list are available. CLS has extensive experience with analytical and applied chemistry procedures and can design custom or standard programs to meet specific analytical needs. Please call for information and pricing.